AI001 Quiz 1 Solved 2021 - Artificial Intelligence Quiz


AI001 Quiz 1 Solved 2021 - Artificial Intelligence Quiz

AI001 Quiz 1 Solution 2021. Artificial Intelligence Quiz Question with Answer. You can prepare  easily for tests and exams it's very helpful for you with your papers. Artificial Intelligence quiz according to latest pattern with a solved answer.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) SOLVED QUIZ 1 2021

Effort by VU Answer

    1)  ML is the learning in which machine can learn on its own without being ___ programmed.

Select the correct option
A.  Implicitly
B. Explicitly
2)  A/An ___ is only able to accurately act to on some input when has some knowledge or experience about the input.

Select the correct option
A.  Computer
B. Agent
C. Data
D. Information
3)  Analysis of search algorithms and logic falls under ___ discipline.

Select the correct option
A.  Philosophy
B.  Neuroscience
C. Mathematics
D. Control Theory
4)  In ___ logic we make a board generalization from specific observations.

Select the correct option
A. Inductive
B.  Deductive
C. Abductive
D. Conjugative
5)  ___ is the process of formulating the mapping from a given input to an output using fuzzy logic.

Select the correct option
A. Fuzzy inference system
B.  Fuzzy inference engine
C. Fuzzy knowledge extraction
D. Fuzzy rule-based systems
6)  ___ is a general process of thinking rationally and to find valid conclusions.

Select the correct option
A.  Information Extraction
B. Reasoning
C. Knowledge Representation
D. Machine Learning
7)  A system is a ___ system if it does the right thing given what it knows.

Select the correct option
A.  Passive
B. Rational
C. Active
D. Self-supported
8)  Semantic networks are alternative of ___ for knowledge representation.

Select the correct option
A. Predicative logic
B.  Formal logic
C. Prepositional logic
D. First order logic
9)  In NLP, ___ is used to normalize words into its base from or root form.

Select the correct option
A. Stemming
B.  Lemmatization
D. Word Tokenization
10) ___ is a type of knowledge which is responsible for knowing how to do something.

     Select the correct option
A. Procedural Knowledge
B.  Declarative knowledge
C. Heuristic knowledge
D. Descriptive knowledge
11) Inferential knowledge approach represents knowledge in the form of ____.

      Select the correct option
A. Formal Logic
B.  Informal Logic
C. Knowledge Base
D. Reasoning
12) The truth value of the preposition “A Pentagon has five sides” is ___.

      Select the correct option
A.  False
B. True
C. 10
D. Cannot be determined from the given information
13) The field of Artificial Intelligence was born in 1956 at a conference that took place at ___.

      Select the correct option
A.  Harvard University
B.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. Stanford University
D. Dartmouth Colleague
14) ___ resolution occurs when the premises of two rules match the given facts. Which should be fired first? If we fire both, they may add inconsistent facts.

      Select the correct option
A. Conflict
B.  Parallel
C. Incompatible
D. Mismatched

15) Backward chaining is ___ approach.

      Select the correct option
A. Goal driven
B.  Facts driven
C. Knowledge driven
D. Rule driven
16) It is Supervised Learning task where output is having defined labels (discrete value).

      Select the correct option
A. Classification
B.  Clustering
17) Learning is the process of converting experience into ___.

      Select the correct option
A. Knowledge
B.  Information
C. Data
D. Object
18) ___ acts as a translator that converts the computerized data into natural language representation.

      Select the correct option
19) ___ is the one level of knowledge-based agent, and in this level, we need to specify what the agent knows and what the agent goals are.

      Select the correct option
A.  Implementation level
B. Knowledge level
C. Logical level
D. Rational level

20) ___ is used to break the sentence into separate words or tokens.

      Select the correct option
A. Word Tokenizer
B.  Word Stemmer
C. Word Lemmatization
D. Word Segmentation
21) ___ are the energy conversion device used inside a robot.
      Select the correct option

A. Actuators
B.  Effectors
C. Sensors
D. Controller

22) An intelligent agent needs knowledge about the real world for ___ to act efficiently

      Select the correct option
A.  Calculations
B.  Knowledge representation
C. Taking decisions and reasoning
D. Problem Solving
23) A/An ___ is a container, which wholly includes or wholly excludes any given element.

      Select the correct option
A. Classical set
B.  Sequential set
C. Logical set
D. Fuzzy set
23) According to Robert C, More, all the following are uses of logic in Artificial Intelligence, EXCEPT:

      Select the correct option
A.  As a tool of analysis
B. As a phycological thinking process
C. As a programming language
D. As a basis ok knowledge representation
24) When ___ turn out to be meaningful after conversion, it is known as ____.

      Select the correct option
A. Data, Information
B.  Data, knowledge
C. Information, knowledge
D. Data Memory
25) Which part of artificial intelligence is concerned with AI agents that think and how thinking contributes to intelligent behavior of agents?

      Select the correct option
A. Knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR)
B.  Robotics
C. Information and Data
D. Problem Solving


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