GSC201 Grand Quiz Solved - Teaching of General Science Quizzes / MCQs

GSC201 Grand Quiz Solved, Teaching of General Science Quizzes / MCQs

Improve your Knowledge and Skills in Teaching of General Science with Solved Quizzes or MCQs. GSC201 Grand Quiz Solved. Prepare Online test or Exam GSC201 Teaching of General Science Quiz.


Teaching of General Science

1. Color, shape and texture all are examples of properties.

2. Which one of the following cannot see but we can feel them? Gas

3. In which approach students are involved in activities and directions are given by teachers? Traditional

4. Teachers use interactive material in class that stimulate children’s: Curiosity

5. Pencil box and cart board are the examples of objects. Opaque

6. First phase of learning sequence template is consists of understanding the Properties of object.

7. Question and answer session is the example of Assessment. Formative

8. Second phase of learning sequence template is about the developing of . Background

9. When teacher help the students to find the right answer, then he/she is giving: Scaffolds

10. Third phase of learning sequence include. Changes

11. In which inquiry approach activity leads to content? Guided inquiry

12. Choice of material is depend on the of material. Property

13. ___  must be based on what children already know. Instructions

14. Which of the following did not change when placed in different containers? Solids

15. Scientists have to be aware of, associated with the investigator, instruments and methods. Bias

16. Object through which we can easily see are objects. Transparent

17. Students develop an attitude of for exploring the properties. Enthusiasm

18. Melting and dissolving are two different. Phenomena

19. Conceptual change is a process of from ordinary ways of perceiving. Transition

20. Teachers need to learn about the that students have. Conceptual ideas

21.   was one of the first who tackle the problem of measuring the temperature. Thomson

22.   Objects are often made from a variety of materials. Manufactured

23. Which skill can be used when giving a comment or remark after looking? Observations

24. Which one focuses on concept building when it becomes difficult in higher grades? Learning

25. We modify the scientific knowledge in the light of . Reliable data/evedience

26.   must be based on what children already know. Instructions

27.   effects how the learner perceives new information. Prior knowledge

28. Which skills are the combinations or blend of several skills? Process

29. Teachers interpret of student thinking. Evidence

30. Which one is conserved during physical and chemical changes? Mass

31. Students develop the skill to make connections with their immediate . Environment

32. For we need to mix the solids with liquids. Dissolving

33. The first thing to remember about writing a case study is that . That case must have a problem

34. Second category of learning objectives in teaching of general science is . Skills

35. Through which kind of material we can see things clearly? Transparent

36. There are types of solids. 3

37. Students develop in representing observations. Honesty

38. Which kind of learners transforms prior knowledge to accommodate new scientific ideas? Slow

39.   change its shape according to the shape and size of the object in which it is poured. Liquids

40. Instructor self-evaluation belongs to which kind of assessment: Summative

41. Which one is the explanation for the behavior of natural objects and phenomena? Scientific theory

42. Student’s evaluation of the course is an example of which kind of assessment? Summative

43. Students develop the skill of by using their senses. Observation

44. Which process help to gather information about what students know, understand and do with their knowledge? Assessment

45. Considering evidence, evaluating and drawing conclusions by assessing the data is the example of . Interpreting

46. Students do classification on the basis of some : Property

47. There are main features of fair test template. 4

48. When learners identifying patterns or trends in their observations or measurements and noticing related changes. Then they are involved in: Interpreting

49. Through which kind of changes the material can be changed from solid to liquid to gas by heating or cooling but the kind of material stays the same? Physical

50. In sequence of learning template phase C represents: Main content

51. Recognizing and asking investigable questions is the example of . Sub skills

52. Children develop ideas, based on their everyday . Experiences

53. Which kind of material changed the color of things when viewed? Translucent

54. Which one of the following dissolves faster in water? Sugar powder

55. Developing tentative explanations or hypotheses of observed phenomena is one of the step of? Scientific inquiry/knowledge

56. For we need to mix solids with liquids. Dissolving

57. Final examination is example of: Summative Assessment

58. Children deepen their experience of in a science classroom. collective discussions

59. In inquiry-based curricula, leads to the content or to the discovery of content. Activity

60. Using patterns in information or observation in forecasting outcomes of specific events that go beyond the data. Predicting

61. Thermo scope was used to measure the temperature. One of the characteristics that was described by the teacher is . It was without the scales.

62. Which of the following teaching provides continuous opportunities for formative assessment? Inquiry based

63.   assessment provides feedback and information during the instructional process. Formative

64. Conceptual change is a process of from ordinary ways of perceiving. Transition

65. We want children to learn not only the content but also. scientific skills

66. In which approach content is taught before doing any activity. Traditional

67. Which activity helps students engage in the construction of scientific evidence, explanations; advance their abilities to argue scientifically? Participation in scientific practice and discourse

68. Which one of the following is important in scientific practices? Keeping record of findings

69. Which one of the following can be done at any time during instructions: assessment

70. Using the senses and extending the senses by using tools or instrument as necessary is : Observing

71. Teachers must not give comments to the students in their assessment. Judgmental

72. In scientific inquiry we communicate findings to larger peer group for . Critical review

73. A reflective component to learning not only speeds up the time it takes to learn, but also makes it possible to learn things that one might never figure out through. trial and error.

74. In the approach content is taught before doing any activity. Traditional

75.   use process skills to build a conceptual understanding of science content. Students 


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