MTH202 Quiz 2 Solved - Discrete Mathematics Quizzes


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MTH202 Quiz 2 Solved with Answers. Easy to Prepare your Online Tests and Exam Preparation in Discrete Mathematics Quizzes. Discrete Math test Quiz.

MTH202 Quiz 2 Solved

Discrete Mathematics Quiz Solved Answers

1) Domain and range are same for ___.

Select the correct option

a) Linear Function

b) Constant Function

c) Identify Function 

b) None of these

2) What will be fourth term of the following sequence 1/2,2/3,3/4, __?

Select the correct option

a) 5/6

b) 7/8

c) 4/5 

d) 6/7

3) 9!/6! = ___.

Select the correct option

a) 506

b) 504 

c) 508

d) 509

4) A function whose inverse function is exists is called a/an ___.

Select the correct option

a) invertible 

b) injective

c) symmetric

d) surjective

5) 720 = ___

Select the correct option

a) 5!

b) 7!

c) 4!

d) 6! 

6) Inverse of a function may not be a function

Select the correct option

a) False

b) True 

7) Composition of a function is a commutative operation.

Select the correct option

a) False

b) True 

8) An important data type in computer programming consists of ___.

Select the correct option

a) finite sequences 

b) Matrices

c) Equations

d) Graphs

9) If A is defined as the set of English alphabets then the cardinality of A is ___

Select the correct option

a) 1

b) 26 

c) 0

d) None of these

10) Number of one to one function from X={a,b} to Y={u,v} ae equal to ___

Select the correct option

a) 2 

b) 5

c) 4

d) 3

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