BT101 Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution Part 1 Quiz Solved - VU Answer

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BT101 Subject Quiz 1 Solution Answer


1. According to ___ model of evolution species do not change significantly

over millions of years. Punctuated equilibrium

2. Members of the domain ___ live in extreme environments. Archaea

3. diagram showing a hypothetical lineage is called a ----. Cladogram

4. Numbers of pilli in bacteria cell ----. 1-10

5. Successful fertilization and development do not occur in --. Post mating


6. Development failures of the fertilized egg or embryo are the kind of ------

isolation. Post mating isolation

7. In ___ isolation geographical barriers prevent mating of individuals. Pre

mating isolation

8. If a species population becomes separated by a geographic barrier it is ----.  Allopatric speciation

9. Members of the ___ group can be traced to separate ancestors. Polyphyletic

10. The group should include a single ancestral species and all of its descendants. Monophyletic

11. Cell wall of bacteria consists of --. Peptidoglycan

12. Kingdom Protista consist of --. Unicellular eukaryotes

13. Actinobacteria are bacteria. Gram positive

14. Which of the following organisms have cells consisting of a nucleus within the membranes. Eukaryote

15. Who developed the three and five kingdom system. Robert Whittaker

16. Who is the father of taxonomy and systematic. Carl Linnaeus

17. If the reproductive isolation occurs due to reproducing at different times it is ------. temporal isolation

18. Evolution of 14 species of finches from the original seed eater finches from mainland is the example of --- speciation. Allopatric

19. Occurs in small local population called demes which are not completely

isolated from each other. Parapatric

20. In isolation courtship behavior patterns of two animals are

inappropriate for each other. Mechanical

21. Condition in the reproductive ----  of a female may not support the sperm

of male. Tract

22. The theory of ---- states that evolution occurs primarily through shorts

burts of intense speciation. Phylectic gradualism

23. Which of the following of bacteria have tuft of flagella at in end. Lophotrichous

24. Which of the following bacteria have a single flagellum at both ends. Amphitricous

25. According to the ----- concepts evolutionary changes are occurring

gradually over millions of years. Phyletic gradualism

26. Which of the following protein is present in the cellular respiration pathways in all eukaryotic organisms. Cytochrome C

27. New genetic material is generated during ---- evolution. Molecular evolution

28. Photosynth zing bacteria that are related to the chloroplasts of eukaryotic plants and algae are called. Blue green algae

29. Approximately ---- tons of sodium chloride is extracted from the Great salt lake. 2.5 million

30. Non disjunction at a single chromosome result in an abnormal number of chromosomes. Aneuploidy

31. Which of the following bacteria fix atmosphere nitrogen on anaerobic conditions. Cyanobacteria

32. Which of the following type of bacteria cause Syphilis and Lyme disease.  Spirochetes

33. Many bioactive metabolites are produced by ---- species. Streptomyces

34. In --- wings have been modified for hovering. Humming bird

35. In --- legs have been modified for swimming. Penguin

36. Legs have been modified for perching in ----. Sparrow

37. Wings of the birds have not been modified for----. Walking

38. In ---- legs have modified for wading. Stork

39. Wings have been modified for soaring in --. Eagles

40. Which of the following is a highly conserved structure in birds. Feathers

41. Election characterizes the periods of stasis. Stabilizing

42. Halophiles can live in water with salt concentration exceeding ----.  15

43. Which of the following is uncommon in animals. Sympatric speciation

44. Cladogram depict a sequence in the of derived characters. Origin

45. Evolutionary changes whether over long period or rapid are result of changes in make up. Genetics

46. Between 30% to 50% of species are formed by sympatric speciation.


47. Thermoacidophiles lives in the environment with ----- pH. 1 to 3

48. Short protein appendages smaller than flagella is called ----. Pilli

49. Bacteria use in conjugation for exchange of genetic material. Pilli

50. The salt concentration in oceans in roughly. 4%

51. Thermoacidophiles live in superheated water with temperature. 750F

52. Which of the following organisms have cell consisting of a nucleus enclosed within membranes? Eukaryotes

53. Characters that all members of a group share are referred to as ---. Symplesiomorphies

54. Halophile’s cave live in water with salt concentration exceeding. 15%

55. This speciation occurs with a single population. Sympatric

56. According to endosymbiotic theory evolved from endocytosis of anerobic bacteria. Mitochondria

57. If the reproductive isolation is due to reproducing of different times it is -----. Temporal isolation

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