CS301 GDB Solution 2022 - Data Structures Topic Discussion

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CS301 GDB Solution Spring 2022 - DOWNLOAD


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From double linked list and singly linked list data structures which data you will choose for the up-gradation of the system?

Select data structures and support your answer to justify them.

GDB Idea Solution:

According to the given scenario doubly linked list is best for hospitals. Because in the doubly linked list the traversal can be done using the previous node-link or the next node-link thus traversal is possible in both directions forward and backward. It's also the complexity of insertion and deletion at a given position 0 and 1. As compared to a singly linked list the complexity of insertion and deletion at a known position is O and n. 

Accessing elements in a double linked list is more efficient when compared to a singly linked list as both forward and backward traversal is possible.

A doubly linked list is preferred when we don’t have limitations and searching is required, we need to perform search operation on the linked list. As compared to the singly linked list is preferred when we have memory limitations, we cannot use much memory and searching is not required. 

In double link lists a programmer uses two pointers in the node, for example, one to one point to the next node and the other to point to the previous node. If we need better performance while searching and memory is not limitations in this case doubly linked list is more preferred.

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