EDU654 Current Midterm Papers 2022 - VU Answer

EDU654 Current Midterm Papers 2022

Are you looking for EDU654 Current Midterm Papers 2022? If yes, then you visit the right site. Here are EDU654 Current Papers 2022. EDU654 Midterm Past Papers 2022.


Students must prepare these edu654 midterm current papers in 2022. Also, it can give edu654 midterm preparation 2022 essential topics, questions an overview of the paper.


Provide by VU Answer

Today paper edu654 

Total marks 45 

Mcqs 50% grand quiz file

Define conceptual learning

 Define problems solving 2marks

Define discovery learning 2 marks 

Five benefits of storytelling 5 marks

See Also: EDU654 Handouts PDF

Write a note on metacognition 5 marks

3 tool teacher use in classroom for discovery learning 3 marks

Importance of Cognitive learning 3 marks

Check Also Most Important Materials:

All Midterm Past Papers Solved Mega Files Subject Wise - DOWNLOAD

VU All Subjects Wise Handouts PDF - DOWNLOAD

VU Midterm MCQs Mega File - DOWNLOAD

Edu 654

Mcqs from previous quiz+from handouts

1. What are different learning styles. 2 marks

2. What are two new technologies 2 marks

3.write cognitivism theory in your own words. 3 marks

How images and pictures are used in classrooms. 3 marks

Importance of meta cognition 3 marks.

Compare ancient and modern classroom. 5 marks

Write a backward design process. 5 marks


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