CS311 Introduction to Web Services Development Quiz 1 Solved - VU Answer

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CS311 Introduction to Web Services Development Quiz no 1 Solution Answer


1. Converting a java object into an XML file is called ___.

a) Marshalling

b) Un-Marshalling

c) Transforming

d) Object Conversion

2. In SAX parsing, which of the following method is used to read contents?

a) startDocument()

b) characters()

c) startElement()

d) endElement()

3. Which component of the following JDOM Parser represents comments in a XML document?

a) Comment

b) Element

c) Attribute

d) Text

4. Which of the following is true about JDOM Praser?

a) JDOM is an open source, java-based library to parse XML document

b) JDOM is typically java developer-friendly API

c) Both of the above

d) None of the above

5. In which scenario(s), you will use a JDOM Parser?

a) You need to use the information in the document more than once

b) You are java developer and want to leverage java optimized parsing of XML.

c) Both the above

d) None of the given options

5. Which of the following method get called at the beginning of a document in SAX parsing?

a) startDocument()

b) initDocument()

c) documentStart()

d) None of the given options

6. Suppose you need to develop an application that will extract a small portion of the information from a web large XML document. Memory and speed maybe constraints. Which of the following approach (method) you will use for development of you application.

a) Use SAX

b) Use DOM

c) Extract the necessary information and process using XSL-T.

d) Use a schema-based approach

7. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about SAX parsing?

a) SAX parser reads an XML document from top-bottom, recognizing the tokens that makeup a well-formed XML document.

b) SAX parser reports the application program the nature of tokens that the parser has encountered as they occur.

c) The application program provides an event handler that must be registered with the parser.

d) All of the given options

8. Which of the following method get called at the end of a document in SAX parsing?

a) endDocument()

b) finalizeDocument()

c) documentEnded()

d) None of the given options.

10. Converting an XML content into a Java Object is called ___.

a) Marshalling

b) Un-Marshalling

c) Transforming

d) Object Conversion

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