ZOO504 Current Final Term Paper 2022 - VU Answer

ZOO504 Current Final Term Papers 2022

Are you looking at ZOO504 Final term Past Papers 2022? If yes, then you visit the right site. Here we provide ZOO504 Final Paper Current Exam File.


Students must prepare these zoo504 final term preparation 2022 important topics, questions, and an overview of the zoo504 current paper with pdf files below.


Provide by VU Answer


male tragopan

endangered species 

Domestic goat detail

Character of lynx

Scientific name of domestic goat

Threats of indian volunteers.

Habitat of hog deer

Mostly mcqs imran file


1.Scientific name of black buck.2 marks

2.post mortem zoo room 2 marks.

3.Short note on leopard cat 3 marks.

4.Threats to kashimir flying catcher 3 marks.

5.characteristics of male tragopan 5 marks.

6.Conservation of Indus dolphin. 5 marks.

Mostly mcqs from M.imran file

See Also:

zoo504 paper ‼️‼️

1: Feeding habitat of barking deer

2: Feeding habitat of common peafowl

3: urial and it’s sup_species

4: Indian pangolin native distribution

5: categorization process

6: purpose of post mortem report

Mcqs ‼️‼️

Koklass sexes __ diamorphic

Foxes ___ omnivorous

Musk deer can refer to anyone ,or all ___seven 

Fishing cat scientific name 

Indian vulture iucn status ___ critically endangered

Iucn status of Egyptian fruit bat___ least concern

Panther national status___ critically endangered

Sand dunes cat gastrulation period ___ 60_67 days 

Vienna zoo ___ 1752

Ziarat juniper wildlife sanctuary_____ Baluchistan

Khunjerab national park ___ gilgit baltistan _ Pakistan

Honorary officer appointed for ____ 3 year 

Madras wild elephant act ___ 1873 

( Udhr eska option wrong tha 1873 tha he nhi 4ron options ma) 

Iuch threatened species list ___ 45 species 

My paper zoo504 at 3pm

Herbicides and pesticides are harmful for endangered species 2mrk

Marten types 2mrks

Kashmiri flying 3mrk

Leopard cat threats 3mrk

Male tragpon 5mrk

Mostly mcqs from file and 5 from handouts


1. Note on brown bear

2. Threatened species of mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles in Pakistan

3.threats of sand dune cat

4. Feeding habits of peafowl

5. Urial and sub species

6. Conservation for morcopolo sheep

Mcq 70% from file and 30% from handouts

Zoo504 MCQs mostly from file

Hyena py note 5 marks.

Rhesus monkey description 5 marks

Native of kashmir flying cashier 2 

Rhesus monkey feeding habit 3 

My paper zoo504

  1. How  herbside and pesticides  are harm full 2marks 

  2. Habitat of chukor 2marks

  3. Write three rule of zoo 3 marks

  4. Habitat of jungle cat 3marks

  5. Indian spotted eagl 

6-describes the characteristics of lynx Rufus

My paper zoo504 today 

endangered species

Conservation of dolphin

Male tragopan

Chukor habitat

Indian vultures 

Mcqs mostly past file

Check Also Most Important Materials: 

All VU MCQs Final Term Solved Files - DOWNLOAD

VU Current Final Term Papers 2022 - DOWNLOAD

Subject Wise All VU Handouts PDF - DOWNLOAD



Q1. Note on Capra hircus 3

Q2. Characteristics of brown bear 2

Q3. In which countries does Indian bustard present today 2

Q4. Rules of zoo 3

Q5. Note on Lynx Rufu 5

Q6. Indian Great Bustard 5


1-Feedind habits of barking deer.2marks

2-Threats of leopard cat?2 marks

3-Write 3 rules of zoo?3marks

4-Feeding of jungle cat?3 marks

5.What is bobcat? Write threats of Bob cat.5 marks.

6-Write note on indian vultures?5 marks


Q: what is conservation action for Marco polo sheep

Q: feeding habits of common peafowl

Q: IUCN status men indian vulture

Q: Brown bear

Most traded wild Animals 2 Marks

Threats to jungle cat 2 Marks

Briefly describe indus dolphin 3 Marks

Rhesus monkey 5 Marks

Hyaena Haeyna 5 Marks


Threats of Indian pangolin

Leopard cat threats

Marten Species 

Urial and sub species (5)

Herbicides or pesticides are who Mach harmful for endangered species.

Threat of Egyptian Fruit Bat.

Mcqs half from Imran’s file and half from handout


Sand dune habitat

Note on leopard cat

How zoos play role in education and Research

Black buck scientific name 2

Kashmir fly catcher habitat 2

Male tragopan 3 description 

Capra heriscus 3

Sand dune cat 5

Mostly mcqs imran bhi ke file sy thy 

Paper of Zoo504

1. How many types of Martens are in Pakistan? 2marks

2. Which zoo have full-fledge Vet facilities? 2marks

3. Feeding habits of peafowl. 3marks

4. How many categories of endangered species. 3marks

5. Names of endangered species present in Pakistan. 5marks

6. What is bobcat and what are threats to it. 5marks

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